e-Rate: WorldNet connects your school with the world.
Every day is more evident the need for schools, colleges and libraries to be portals towards globalized knowledge – not only for what is taught in them, but for the opportunity they give students to connect with other sources of knowledge, other communities and with unlimited possibilities for learning.
The Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal Service Fund, is a project of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), to provide discounts in telecommunication and Internet services to schools and libraries. It is also known as E-Rate.
The program provides funds to cover part of the costs of telecommunication services, Internet connection, basic maintenance and internal connectivity for participating institutions. Allows you to cover 20 to 90 percent of these costs, depending on the level of poverty and the zoning category of the school or library. They can also request school districts and educational consortiums. Being a discount contribution, it is expected that the school or library will provide other components of a telecommunication system, such as computers, telephones, programmed, among others.
How to Participate?
These funds are available for public and private schools and libraries that meet the requirements of the program. At http://www.universalservice.org you will find more information about the requirements and on how to create an electronic account by submitting an application online from the portal known as the E-rate Productivity Center (EPC). You will also find several required forms with the application.
As part of the process, the institution will offer information on the level of poverty in your area, its location (rural or urban), and other data. It will also identify your needs, and may request quotes from companies registered as providers of E-Rate services.
WorldNet supports education through e-Rate
WorldNet is a registered provider in the E-Rate program. This means that you are authorized to submit quotes to participating schools and libraries that so request, as well as to provide the services that these institutions decide to contract.

WorldNet’s commitment to Education
This commitment is also reflected in our years of experience with educational institutions at all levels, including universities, technical colleges and others. We currently offer Internet and telecommunications services to dozens of schools and colleges throughout Puerto Rico. Our success in this sector is due to our practice of transferring to the world of education our vast experience in the business environment (in various sectors of manufacturing, service, retail, and others). Our experts provide integrated communication solutions according to the needs of the schools, and are also distinguished by the quality of their customer service.
Once your institution meets the requirements of E-Rate, you can request quotes and hire services with your preferred provider from among those who are recognized by the program. To do this, you must use the identification number of the selected provider as a reference. This number is the SPIN or Service Provider Identification Number. You must use this reference number each time you submit an application. In WorldNet we offer different services, they could have different SPIN numbers for each service.
To obtain the appropriate WorldIN SPIN according to the service you are interested in, call 787-705-9000 or write to Executivesupport@worldnetpr.com